Asian Justice Rally: A National Day of Remembrance & Action



In honor of Asian America victims of racist violence, and marking one year from the day Vicha Ratanapakdee died after being attacked in San Francisco, “Asian Justice Rallies” were held on Sunday, January 30 in multiple cities across the U.S. Asian Americans continue to stand up against the tide of violent attacks.

Videos from six cities and one national video stream – all events happened at once. You can view and find the other video streams on the “Asian Justice Rally” website:

In Los Angeles, members of Neighborhood Safety Companions and other street walking activists were in attendance at the event hosted by Thai Community Development Center at Wat Thai Buddhist Temple. Speakers addressed how “China-bashing” exacerbates the violence, and called for the need to require ethnic studies at all levels of education to counter the ignorance that Asian Americans are forever “foreigners” to be easy targets for scapegoating.

More coverage here:

Join the grassroots community safety walks and solidarity-in-action event on February 16 in Koreatown:

Reaffirming solidarity in action to fight anti-Asian violence