Tag: racist attacks
Healthcare Inequality Exacerbated for Victims of Hate Crimes
Victims of Anti-Asian Violence should not have to rely upon GoFundMe to pay for healthcare!
Interview With Esther Lim, Creator of “How to Report a Hate Crime” Booklets
NSC is a proud distributor of Esther’s booklets in multiple languages, which are handed out during our safety walks in Koreatown, Los Angeles. Version in Khmer and Arabic are on their way! Thanks to citizen.com for posting this interview. Hear Esther talk about the genesis of her informational booklets in multiple languages: https://citizen.com/-Ms2FGvYnG2GmF3eMhNx Visit the…
Eight-in-ten Asian Americans say violence against them in the United States is increasing, and nearly half experienced an incident tied to their racial or ethnic background since the pandemic began
Pew Research CenterApril 21, 2021 This was put out by Pew Research in April. Unfortunately, what we’ve been finding in Koreatown, in talking with seniors and staff at small businesses, is that much of the Anti-Asian violence has been ongoing but DOES NOT get reported. It’s pretty clear that it has definitely not gone away.
Hundreds March in Philly in Response to Anti-Asian Violence
Councilmember Helen Gym, a longtime advocate for school safety, spoke of the larger context of racial bias against Asian Americans locally and across the United States. “Let’s be honest,” said Gym, “It is what this nation has been doing around anti-Asian violence, rhetoric that has started from the highest levels of elected office, with whole…
Aunt speaks out after niece attacked on SEPTA train: ‘She did the right thing’
https://6abc.com/septa-police-philly-train-assault-video-broad-street-line-race-relations/11253759/ High School student demonstrates courage — An Asian American Central High School student was brutally beaten while defending four young Asian American students during a recent attack on a Philadelphia subway train on November 17. The victim’s aunt, Mei Lu, says her niece was defending four ninth-grade boys she didn’t even know.” Kicked multiple…
Asian woman is robbed and pushed onto the subway tracks in NYC’s Times Square
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10196459/Asian-woman-robbed-pushed-subway-tracks-NYCs-Times-Square.html Interesting that several U.S. press outlets do not mention the ethnicity of the victim. Is it proper for them to presume that this is not relevant to the story? How does an editorial board of a media organization draw that conclusion in decisive fashion? E.g., in this piece perhaps you can deduce that the…
NSC Working with Seniors to Fight Anti-Asian Violence in Koreatown
On Friday November 5, NSC members visited with seniors at Wilshire Towers in Koreatown, Los Angeles to distribute safety supplies, including pepper spray, whistles. Educational material about how to report hate crimes and other personal supplies were also handed out. Many of the mostly Asian seniors living in this senior home stated that they have…
Judge Promotes “Fresh off the Boat” Stereotype
‘How not to be a good judge’: Kyle Rittenhouse judge draws new backlash with ‘Asian food’ joke Bruce Schroeder, the judge presiding over Kyle Rittenhouse’s murder trial, continues to draw attention, criticism and accusations of bias. On Thursday he attempted a joke in response to an inquiry about a lunch break: “I hope the Asian…
Koreatown Community Safety Walks
NSC volunteers interact with the full diversity of people that walk the sidewalks in Koreatown. We distribute information, personal hygiene and safety supplies, and hold conversations about how to create alternatives for building community safety and how we might better protect each other from violence.