Tag: asian adoptees
Win Justice for Christian Hall!
On December 30, supporters of Justice for Christian Hall and all victims of police violence joined together in cities across the country to honor the life of Christian Hall, who was killed while holding his hands up by PA State Troopers in Stroudsburg, PA. It was the one-year anniversary of his killing, Dec. 30, 2020,…
Justice for Christian Hall and All Victims of Police Violence!
4PM Dec. 30, Pershing Square in Downtown Los Angeles Justice for Christian Hall and all victims of police violence! Join us in cities across the country for a rally and vigil in honor of the life of Christian Hall, who was killed by police officers with his hands up in Stroudsburg, PA. In solidarity with…
Anti-Asian Violences Has Forced Many Asian Americans to Re-Assess Their Identity
From Huffington Post A story from a Korean adoptee, about how the rise in Anti-Asian violence has forced the writer to change how she views herself in the world… “For Most Of My Life, I Didn’t Feel Like A ‘Real Asian.’ Everything Changed This Year.” Stacey Fargnoli – Sat, November 27, 2021, 6:00 AM Read…