Category: Photos
Justice for Roques Community Celebration
December 17, 2022: Community Event to Celebrate and Reaffirm Commitment to Win Justice for Roques! On a holiday season afternoon at The Robinson S.P.A.C.E. in historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles, participants and supporters of the #JusticeForRoques campaign came together to share stories, lessons and fun to support the Roque family in their effort to win justice…
Jan 16, 2022 – 1 Year Anniversary Event
Please bookmark this page and return. More photos will be added over the next few days. Video of event: Coverage from Josie Huang of LAIST: For higher resolution versions, contact Why We Held this Memorial A recent report by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, has revealed that anti-Asian…
NSC visits another senior home in Koreatown
NSC members were able to meet with over 60 seniors in Koreatown on Saturday, February 11, to share ideas about community safety and basic self-defense. A big thanks to Mr. Huh for doing the translation labor for NSC members unable to speak Korean! There are several senior housing facilities in Koreatown, many of which are…
NSC Working with Seniors to Fight Anti-Asian Violence in Koreatown
On Friday November 5, NSC members visited with seniors at Wilshire Towers in Koreatown, Los Angeles to distribute safety supplies, including pepper spray, whistles. Educational material about how to report hate crimes and other personal supplies were also handed out. Many of the mostly Asian seniors living in this senior home stated that they have…
NSC Members Need to Eat and Drink Too!
NSC and supporters also support local businesses by eating and drinking and practicing playing pool after safety walking! 🙂
Interacting with Street Vendors
Street vendors are frequent victims of crime. Neighborhood Safety Companions share safety equipment and information with local street vendors during their safety walks.
Koreatown Community Safety Walks
NSC volunteers interact with the full diversity of people that walk the sidewalks in Koreatown. We distribute information, personal hygiene and safety supplies, and hold conversations about how to create alternatives for building community safety and how we might better protect each other from violence.
Supporting our Seniors
Much of the Anti-Asian violence sweeping the U.S. has been targeting Asian elders. NSC makes an extra effort to reach out to seniors in the community as well as supporting various senior fights such as against rising rents and evictions. NSC members support the fight for healthcare reform for all, but also bilingual/bi-cultural senior care,…