Tag: housing
Asian Americans are the Fastest Growing Homeless Population in San Francisco and Los Angeles
Asian Americans are the fastest-growing major racial or ethnic group in the United States. They are also the fastest – growing homeless population in San Francisco and LA. Homelessness is up 86% in LA’s Koreatown
NSC visits another senior home in Koreatown
NSC members were able to meet with over 60 seniors in Koreatown on Saturday, February 11, to share ideas about community safety and basic self-defense. A big thanks to Mr. Huh for doing the translation labor for NSC members unable to speak Korean! There are several senior housing facilities in Koreatown, many of which are…
Opponents of Anti-Asian violence must fight for mental health and housing reform
The case of attack on model Bew Jirajariyawetch raises questions about why violent schizophrenics are not receiving supervised treatment and housing for the benefit of all Thai model in a NYC subway station survives a violent attack on January 20, but questions “why nothing has changed.” 61-year-old homeless attacker, Martial Simon is identified as a…