Tag: anti-asian violence
Konko Buddhist Church in Boyle Heights Struck by Arson – AGAIN
Read the coverage in Rafu Shimpo: https://rafu.com/2021/11/konko-church-struck-by-arson-again/ It has only been 9 months since a fire was set at this community church, but the cowardly attacks resurface again – we must remain vigilant…our peoples and institutions continue to be the targets of violence. For the second time this year, Konko Church of Los Angeles, located…
Asian woman is robbed and pushed onto the subway tracks in NYC’s Times Square
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10196459/Asian-woman-robbed-pushed-subway-tracks-NYCs-Times-Square.html Interesting that several U.S. press outlets do not mention the ethnicity of the victim. Is it proper for them to presume that this is not relevant to the story? How does an editorial board of a media organization draw that conclusion in decisive fashion? E.g., in this piece perhaps you can deduce that the…
NSC Working with Seniors to Fight Anti-Asian Violence in Koreatown
On Friday November 5, NSC members visited with seniors at Wilshire Towers in Koreatown, Los Angeles to distribute safety supplies, including pepper spray, whistles. Educational material about how to report hate crimes and other personal supplies were also handed out. Many of the mostly Asian seniors living in this senior home stated that they have…
Judge Promotes “Fresh off the Boat” Stereotype
‘How not to be a good judge’: Kyle Rittenhouse judge draws new backlash with ‘Asian food’ joke Bruce Schroeder, the judge presiding over Kyle Rittenhouse’s murder trial, continues to draw attention, criticism and accusations of bias. On Thursday he attempted a joke in response to an inquiry about a lunch break: “I hope the Asian…
‘Miraculous’ survival after brutal attack outside El Cajon trolley stop
Koreatown assault victim terrified – suspect released within hours of arrest
This incident occurred within the neighborhood walk perimeter of covered by Neighborhood Safety Companions (NSC). Seniors have asked NSC to walk the area. Story: https://abc7.com/koreatown-attack-asian-man-assaulted-hate-crimes-lapd/11113356/ KOREATOWN, LOS ANGELES (KABC) — A 70-year-old Asian American man who was violently attacked in Koreatown is afraid his assailant could target him again after the suspect was released just…
Interacting with Street Vendors
Street vendors are frequent victims of crime. Neighborhood Safety Companions share safety equipment and information with local street vendors during their safety walks.
Koreatown Community Safety Walks
NSC volunteers interact with the full diversity of people that walk the sidewalks in Koreatown. We distribute information, personal hygiene and safety supplies, and hold conversations about how to create alternatives for building community safety and how we might better protect each other from violence.