Tag: anti-asian violence
A Year After A Brutal Beating in Koreatown, Neighbors Push For Action To End Anti-Asian Hate
LAist.com By Josie Huang Published Feb 17, 2022 11:26 AM Under the gauzy glow of a shopping plaza sign in Koreatown, dozens of people gathered for a vigil Wednesday night to mark a bleak anniversary. A few yards away from where they stood, on the corner of 6th and Berendo, is where a Korean American veteran…
아시아계 증오범죄 규탄 시 – (Condemning Asian hate crimes)
Korean Daily Coverage of February 16 Solidarity Event to Honor Victims of Anti-Asian Violence “증오범죄라는 바이러스와 싸우고 이웃끼리 따뜻한 웃음을 되찾읍시다!” “Let’s fight the virus of hate crime and bring back warm smiles among our neighbors!” 지난 16일 오후 6시 LA한인타운 6가와 사우스 켄모어 애비뉴에는 한인 등 50여 명이 모여 아시아계 증오범죄를 규탄하고 희생자를 추모하는…
Second Asian Massage Worker Murdered in Albuquerque in One Month
Only one month shy of the 1-year anniversary of the white supremacist mass murder in an Atlanta spa… AsAmNewsBy Ross Killion, AsAmNews Staff Writer For the second time in under four weeks, an Asian woman was murdered while working at a massage studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The victim has been identified as Mary Ye,…
Biden Signs COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act Into Law
The COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act provides $30 million to community groups for engagement, empowerment and education in order to address the rise in hate and violence https://meng.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/meng-secures-millions-to-help-implement-her-hate-crimes-act-recently Community-based organizations and civil rights groups can use the funds for: Implementing and facilitating educational classes and community services for defendants convicted of hate crimes (directly related…
NSC visits another senior home in Koreatown
NSC members were able to meet with over 60 seniors in Koreatown on Saturday, February 11, to share ideas about community safety and basic self-defense. A big thanks to Mr. Huh for doing the translation labor for NSC members unable to speak Korean! There are several senior housing facilities in Koreatown, many of which are…
Nationwide, Anti-Asian Hate Crimes More Than Tripled in 2021
NBC NewsKimmy YamMon, January 31, 2022 New research released Monday finds that hate crimes targeting the Asian American community have reached some unprecedented levels. The compilation of hate crime data, published by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, revealed that anti-Asian hate crime increased by 339 percent last year compared to the…
Asian Justice Rally: A National Day of Remembrance & Action
In honor of Asian America victims of racist violence, and marking one year from the day Vicha Ratanapakdee died after being attacked in San Francisco, “Asian Justice Rallies” were held on Sunday, January 30 in multiple cities across the U.S. Asian Americans continue to stand up against the tide of violent attacks. More coverage here:…
Bystanders intervene in attack on Asian Am man in San Francisco
https://asamnews.com/2022/01/31/san-francisco-thai-and-chinese-man-attacked-for-the-second-time-in-recent-years/ AsAmNewsPosted By RandallJanuary 31, 2022 A celebratory occasion turned to tragedy for a Thai and Chinese American man attacked near San Francisco City Hall. It could have been a lot worse if it wasn’t for a group of up to six bystanders who attempted to intervene and shield him from his attacker. A man…