Nationwide, Anti-Asian Hate Crimes More Than Tripled in 2021



NBC News
Kimmy Yam
Mon, January 31, 2022

Chinatown - NBC News

New research released Monday finds that hate crimes targeting the Asian American community have reached some unprecedented levels.

The compilation of hate crime data, published by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, revealed that anti-Asian hate crime increased by 339 percent last year compared to the year before, with New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and other cities surpassing their record numbers in 2020.

The significant surge is part of an overall 11 percent increase in suspected hate crimes reported to police across a dozen of America’s largest cities.

The report also found that Black Americans remained the most targeted group across most cities. In New York, the Jewish community reported the most hate crimes last year, with researchers, in part, linking increases to the three-week Gaza War in May. In Chicago, gay men were the most targeted. In terms of location, Los Angeles “recorded the most hate crimes of any U.S. city this century” in 2021 alone, with New York coming in just behind it.

According to the data, the surge in reported anti-Asian hate crimes is significantly higher than it was in 2020, when they increased by 124 percent compared to the year before. New York City had a particularly drastic rise, from 30 to 133 anti-Asian hate crimes, a 343 percent increase. San Francisco also experienced an alarming jump, from nine to 60 crimes, a 567 percent increase. And Los Angeles had a similarly sizable hike of 173 percent.

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Propaganda against China from the U.S. government and in the corporate media has been fanning the flames of violence against Asian Americans:


3 responses to “Nationwide, Anti-Asian Hate Crimes More Than Tripled in 2021”

  1. […] Yam, Kimmy. Nationwide, Anti-Asian Hate Crimes More Than Tripled in 2021. […]

  2. […] anti-Asian hate crimes continuing to rise across the U.S. and other countries globally, up over 330%…, the attacks have taken various forms, from microagressions, racial slurs, Asian Americans being […]