Category: Education
Update on the Book Club reading Black Reconstruction
The Black Reconstruction Reading Group is a project by NSC to read WEB DuBois’ Black Reconstruction in America. Why is an Asian American group reading Black history? Because WEB DuBois, as a sociologist, as an organizer for civil rights, as a pan-Africanist, and scholar of racism, invented what would become Ethnic Studies in the United…
Gong Lum v. Rice, 1927
Nicole Hannah Jones was on an NBC program, and a clip from it went viral: Some people wondered what she was talking about. The Mississippi case is the second well known Chinese school integration case, Gong Lum v. Rice.
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Mass Shootings in the United States
What are we going to do about this culture of violence? Lunar New Year celebrations were derailed by gun violence on January 22 and 23 in California. As if our own communities have already not been dealing with enough trauma due to anti-Asian racism and violence already. Mentally unstable males in our own communities having…
Anti-Asian Hate Crime Data May Represent Only a Fraction of Actual Cases
Neighborhood Safety Companions knows this to be a FACT based upon our direct polling of residents, business owners, workers and street vendors in the Koreatown area. When we visit with seniors in various senior housing complexes or interact with both housed and unhoused community members – none of the hate crimes that people have shared…
Poll finds Asian Americans feel less safe in S.F. than other groups Jade Le has lived in the Tenderloin for 11 years and loves her San Francisco neighborhood. But it’s now in the worst state that she’s ever seen, particularly in terms of safety. Le, who is Vietnamese and Chinese, said she was assaulted four times near her home during the pandemic — punched in the…
Remembering Joseph Ileto – Victim of White Supremacist Murder in 1999
White supremacist who had gone on a rampage to kill Jews gunned down a Filipino American postal worker On August 10, 1999, Joseph Ileto died after being shot nine times moments after agreeing to deliver a letter for the man who killed him. Buford O’Neal Furrow, Jr. started the day opening fire with a semi-automatic…
Living Legacies from the 1969 Occupation of Alcatraz
By MARY UYEMATSU KAO January 29, 2022 Rafu Shimpo Japanese Americans were imprisoned in concentration camps by the U.S. governement in 1942 and stripped of their Constitutional Rights. Many of these camps were set up on indigenous tribal reservations against the wishes of those reservations. Regardless, there is a long history of solidarity between Japanese…
Remembering Vincent Chin and the Deep Roots of anti-Asian Violence
Like with Chin’s killing, recent anti-Asian hate crimes reflect a willingness to conflate individual Asian people and US tensions with Asian countries. As Americans — including politicians — looked for someone to hold responsible for Covid-19, Asian Americans were targeted given the virus’s origins in China. And since the US is now locked in economic…
Wisconsin school board members dismissed book about Japanese American incarceration as being ‘unbalanced,’ parents say
White Supremacist attacks on teaching U.S. history continue June 30, 2022, 11:26 AM PDT By Kimmy Yam Parents are pushing back after a committee whose members sit on a Wisconsin school board did not move forward with approving a book about Japanese American incarceration during World War II for a sophomore English literature class. Muskego-Norway…