Anti-Asian violence manifests in various forms in all sectors of the U.S., not only on the streets of the U.S. but in academia, among intellectuals as well. It was dramatically inflamed by Donald Trump but continues with the Cold War policies against China waged by the Biden Administration.
The China Initiative has proven to be another reflection of systemic discrimination with the intent of persecuting Chinese academics as part of the larger effort to intensify Cold War tensions against China and by default, all Asian Americans in the U.S. This xenophobic initiative is part of the larger “China-bashing” effort to intensify conflict and justify increased military intervention to destabilize the Asia/Pacific region and it results in the continued escalation of violence against Asian Americans.

Posted By Rhiannon Koh
January 12, 2022
Congress members, academics and journalists are speaking out against the Department of Justice’s China Initiative. They say the initiative unjustly targets Chinese academics with espionage accusations.
“In addition to harm it’s causing in our communities, the numbers simply do not justify this program,” Congresswoman Judy Chu said at a virtual press conference hosted by the United Chinese Americans coalition. “After 3 years of investigations, over 150 defendants and at least 77 cases, the China Initiative has secured just one single conviction in a court of law. This dismal record shows that the [Initiative] is flawed.”
Congresswoman Judy Chu
The China Initiative was created in 2018 under the Trump Administration. According to the U.S. Department of Justice’s website, the Initiative works to identify and prosecute “those engaged in trade secret theft, hacking, and economic espionage” while protecting national infrastructure against external threats.
The virtual press conference also highlighted the Chinese academics who have been accused of espionage as a result of the China Initiative.
The DOJ often flags Chinese academics whose only wrong was committing paperwork errors. During the press conference, Congressman Ted Lieu noted that this occurred even before the China Initiative under the Obama Administration with Sherry Chen and Xi Xiaoxing.
Although those charges were dropped, the creation of the China Initiative followed a troubling trend. Lieu cited the United States’ troubling history of xenophobia and anti-Asian sentiments.
“We’re no longer looking at mistakes,” he said. “We’re looking at a systemic problem.”
Congressman Ted Lieu
China surpasses the U.S. in several key scientific metrics, including the overall number of papers published and patents awarded
And it isn’t because of Chinese academics stealing intellectual property from the U.S.

Continued China-bashing from western powers will not impact how western governments fail to invest in research