Tag: solidarity
Living Legacies from the 1969 Occupation of Alcatraz
By MARY UYEMATSU KAO January 29, 2022 Rafu Shimpo Japanese Americans were imprisoned in concentration camps by the U.S. governement in 1942 and stripped of their Constitutional Rights. Many of these camps were set up on indigenous tribal reservations against the wishes of those reservations. Regardless, there is a long history of solidarity between Japanese…
Solidarity requires consideration of white supremacist murders of allies as well
A timeline of 1,944 Black Americans killed by police Black Americans are more likely to be killed by police. The police are rarely held accountable. And it goes beyond police killings as well. Nationally, Black people are the most targeted of all groups for hate crimes. Most perpetrators of hate crimes are white supremacists. It…
Neighborhood Safety Companions Artists in Action for February 16 Event in Koreatown
Artists against anti-Asian violence, Neighborhood Safety Companions (NSC) members Andrea Aguilar and Peter Garnika deploy their drawing and airbrush skills in preparation for the February 16, 2022 event to honor victims of anti-Asian violence in Koreatown, Los Angeles.