Tag: racist attacks
Remembering Vincent Chin and the Deep Roots of anti-Asian Violence
Like with Chin’s killing, recent anti-Asian hate crimes reflect a willingness to conflate individual Asian people and US tensions with Asian countries. As Americans — including politicians — looked for someone to hold responsible for Covid-19, Asian Americans were targeted given the virus’s origins in China. And since the US is now locked in economic…
July 2022: Hate Crimes Against Asian Americans Continues to Surge
Between March 2020 and March 2022, more than 11,400 hate incidents against Asian Americans have been reported across the United States…
What is Needed to End Anti-Asian Violence?
The platform of Neighborhood Safety Companions, a community effort to increase safety in Los Angeles Koreatown.
Japanese Family Visiting Portland, OR Victimized by Racist Attack
By Connor McCarthy Published: Jul. 5, 2022 at 6:02 PM PDT|Updated: Jul. 5, 2022 at 6:03 PM PDT PORTLAND Ore. (KPTV) – The man accused of attacking a family visiting Portland over the weekend, pleaded not guilty to a list of charges, including two counts of bias crime Tuesday. Portland police arrested 34-year-old Dylan Kesterson…
LA Times Column: A Search for Answers to Anti-Asian Violence
Frank Shyong, March 22, 2022 William Yu, 46, is healing from the multiple stab wounds he suffered in Chinatown earlier this month at the hands of a random attacker. But the incident has already left scars on the way that he and his family see themselves, said his brother David. Now he cannot stop thinking…
State and Federal Funding Should Be Directed Towards Victims and Families and Community Safety Efforts
The existing infrastructure primarily supports already over-bloated policing budgets and post-facto “research” about reporting. Victims of hate crimes violence and their families should not have to rely upon Go Fund Me pages to pay for medical expenses. Volunteer forces working to build community-based safety efforts should not have to rely on out-of-pocket donations alone to…
Feb. 16, 2022 Solidarity Gathering to Honor Victims of Anti-Asian Violence, Koreatown, Los Angeles (videos)
People came from a diversity of communities, joining in solidarity to honor victims of violent hate crime attacks on Asian Americans, re-committing themselves to continue the fight to address systemic causes of the violence and extend efforts to build unity. A key demand coming out of the event was to have funds from both the…
A Year After A Brutal Beating in Koreatown, Neighbors Push For Action To End Anti-Asian Hate
LAist.com By Josie Huang Published Feb 17, 2022 11:26 AM Under the gauzy glow of a shopping plaza sign in Koreatown, dozens of people gathered for a vigil Wednesday night to mark a bleak anniversary. A few yards away from where they stood, on the corner of 6th and Berendo, is where a Korean American veteran…
Updated: Vigil for NY recycler, hate crime victim, who died after 8 months in coma
Updated with links to a memorial vigil for Yao Pan Ma in East Harlem.
Attack on Sikh cab driver in NY in suspected hate crime
AsAmNewsPosted By Randall January 8, 2022 https://asamnews.com/2022/01/08/unidentified-man-attacks-sikh-cab-driver-at-jfk-airport/ Unfortunately, there are no indications of Anti-Asian violence subsiding in 2022. Neighborhood Safety Companions and other community safety forces must keep working to meet the challenges of sustaining our work and lobbying for mass education of the ignorant public brainwashed by white supremacy.