Tag: hate crimes against asians
Two Filipina Women Attacked in NYC
Last year, 23 hate incidents against Filipinos were reported to the consulate.
아시아계 증오범죄 규탄 시 – (Condemning Asian hate crimes)
Korean Daily Coverage of February 16 Solidarity Event to Honor Victims of Anti-Asian Violence “증오범죄라는 바이러스와 싸우고 이웃끼리 따뜻한 웃음을 되찾읍시다!” “Let’s fight the virus of hate crime and bring back warm smiles among our neighbors!” 지난 16일 오후 6시 LA한인타운 6가와 사우스 켄모어 애비뉴에는 한인 등 50여 명이 모여 아시아계 증오범죄를 규탄하고 희생자를 추모하는…
Reflections: Asian American woman rides subway with fear
Posted By Barbara YauJanuary 17, 2022 By Barbara Yau, AsAmNews Staff Writer Asian Americans across this country are mourning Michelle Go who was senselessly killed after being shoved onto the New York City subway tracks this past weekend. It has spurred widespread discussion about rising subway crimes and anti-Asian hate on news outlets and social…
‘We’re Not Really Safe Anywhere’: Survey Reveals Asian Residents In The San Gabriel Valley Are Shaken By Racism
LAist.com By Josie Huang Published Jan 12, 2022 https://laist.com/news/sgv-anti-asian-hate-san-gabriel-valley The San Gabriel Valley has one of the highest concentrations of Asian residents in the country. But for some, a sense of safety in numbers was eroded by a flare-up of racist incidents during the pandemic, a new survey indicates. About one-third of 284 respondents said either they or…
Updated: Vigil for NY recycler, hate crime victim, who died after 8 months in coma
Updated with links to a memorial vigil for Yao Pan Ma in East Harlem.