Tag: COVID-19
Poll: Distrust of Asian Americans is rising
Americans continue to wrongly blame people of Asian descent for the coronavirus, and a greater percentage are harboring distrust of their loyalties, according to a new report.
New Chinese American Mayor of Boston Subjected to COVID-19 Anti-Asian Racism
https://asamnews.com/2021/12/23/michelle-wu-says-shes-being-subjected-to-the-same-hateful-language-spewed-by-the-former-president-placing-blame-for-the-pandemic From AsAmNews, posted By Louis Chan December 23, 2021 “I will say, I’ve seen my face photoshopped on all sorts of images. There’s constant calls associating me with the same hateful, racist, xenophobic language that the former president used in describing the virus and its origins and who was to blame,” she said. Wu…