Category: Education
Interview With Esther Lim, Creator of “How to Report a Hate Crime” Booklets
NSC is a proud distributor of Esther’s booklets in multiple languages, which are handed out during our safety walks in Koreatown, Los Angeles. Version in Khmer and Arabic are on their way! Thanks to for posting this interview. Hear Esther talk about the genesis of her informational booklets in multiple languages: Visit the…
Anti-Asian Violence is a Healthcare Inequality Issue
Victims of Anti-Asian violence should not have to rely upon GoFundMe to get the healthcare they need to survive an a racist attack If everyone had adequate health insurance coverage like in several Asian countries (Taiwan, South Korea), families of victims of Anti-Asian Violence wouldn’t have to rely upon GoFundMe pages to pay for the…
Anti-Asian Violences Has Forced Many Asian Americans to Re-Assess Their Identity
From Huffington Post A story from a Korean adoptee, about how the rise in Anti-Asian violence has forced the writer to change how she views herself in the world… “For Most Of My Life, I Didn’t Feel Like A ‘Real Asian.’ Everything Changed This Year.” Stacey Fargnoli – Sat, November 27, 2021, 6:00 AM Read…
The Worst Lynching in CA History was in Chinatown, LA
One of the bloodiest nights in Los Angeles history took place 150 years ago, on October 24, 1871, when at least 18 Chinese (about 10 percent of L.A.’s Chinese population at the time) were slaughtered by an angry mob of Angelenos. Why does almost no one know about it today?
Winning Safety Without Racist Policing
Abolition for the People The Movement for a Future Without Policing & Prisons
Antioch Chinatown Memorialized
In 2021 the city of Antioch, a small city on the San Joaquin-Sacramento River that empties into the San Francisco Bay, remembered the sad history of it’s relationship with Chinese people in the 1800s. Like many cities across the West, Antioch had a Chinatown. Chinese men had come to America as contract labor, to work…
A thread of Asian American Resistance
Valerie Soe on Twitter started a great thread about the history of Asian American resistance to racist violence in the U.S. It’s worth a read: