This page has the press conference video, report text, and powerpoint presentation about the Stop Hate Community Survey in the SGV.
How was the Survey Performed?
Amid community concerns about rising anti-Asian hate, Asian Youth Center (AYC) and Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Los Angeles (AAAJ-LA) have partnered on a Stop Hate Community Survey of Asian and Asian Americans (ages 18 and over) living in the San Gabriel Valley.
Stop Hate Community Survey reached out to community members by phone and through an online survey to ask about experiences of anti-Asian hate and discrimination, as well as access to resources and community needs.
284 surveys were used to compile the statistics.
Press Conference on Video
Press Conference was on Wednesday, January 12, 2022
11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Archived video on Facebook:

The Stop Hate Community Survey Report and Presentation
San Gabriel Valley Stop Hate Community Survey – This is the complete report.
San Gabriel Valley Stop Hate Community Survey Project Research Brief:
Parent Sample – This is a report on a subset of the data, of responses from parents regarding their children.

From the Parent Sample

More Stories
Anti-Asian violence is ongoing. We must make others aware of this fact.
Join this call to hear data about what concerns people have in the San Gabriel Valley with regards to racist attacks on Asian Americans. The SGV is one of the largest Asian communities in the United States. Let’s hope the “leaders” address the issue of Anti-Asian violence, not just “hate.” Zoom ID: 819 8564 7289; Passcode: 537449 or live at