From AsAmNews, posted By Louis Chan December 23, 2021

Michelle Wu, the first Asian American and “woman of color” elected to Mayor of Boston, revealed on a recent interview that she has been subject to racist/hateful messages on both social media and to the city’s 311 information line.
“I will say, I’ve seen my face photoshopped on all sorts of images. There’s constant calls associating me with the same hateful, racist, xenophobic language that the former president used in describing the virus and its origins and who was to blame,” she said.
Wu believes opposition to the vaccine mandate is based on “hatred, fear and confusion.” She said the linking of patriot songs and chants of “USA, USA,” to the anti-vaccine stance is “completely backwards.”
“I hear that there are anxiety and concerns,” Wu said. “I won’t try to get into people’s heads.”