Asian woman is robbed and pushed onto the subway tracks in NYC’s Times Square



Interesting that several U.S. press outlets do not mention the ethnicity of the victim. Is it proper for them to presume that this is not relevant to the story? How does an editorial board of a media organization draw that conclusion in decisive fashion?

Nov. 12, 2021 Attack on Asian Woman NYC Times Square

E.g., in this piece perhaps you can deduce that the victim is Asian while watching the medium-long shots in the video, but there is no mention of her from the anchors or reporter:

Maybe NYC is more concerned with the general rise in subway violence in general and that’s why they are choosing to note that the victim was Asian? Fox News has no issue with naming the alleged suspect and it is positive that there is some acknowledgement for the need for mental health services.
That the denial of the possibility of how the atmonsphere of Anti-Asian xenophobia may have a role in this case seems a disservice to Asian American people in the context of what has been happening over the past year+.

We appreciate that ABC7 may have done a better service than we have here by blurring out the face of the victim, but they also chose to eliminate any referencing of the woman’s nationality:

What do you think? Does “whitewashing” coverage of Asian victims of public violence aid the cause of opposing Anti-Asian violence?