Donate to Support the Roque Family!

Family members have been holding strong to help build community support for this important campaign, but they need your financial support so they can continue to attend community events and the Van Nuys courthouse hearings! Family members have been having to take unpaid leave of absences from their jobs and this creates a financial burden that should not be theirs to burden alone. Please donate to support the Roque family!

Here are some ways that you can help support the families, and in turn, this important campaign to apply public pressure to the court system to win justice!

#Justice for Roques T-Shirt Art
Pre-order your limited edition Justice for Roques t-shirt NOW and wear it to the next court hearing on August 19!
#JusticeForRoques Stickers
Justice for Roques Stickers $2 for one, $5 for two! Venmo: @JC-FMC
“On May 13, 2022, the Roque family were attacked by a white man late at night at a McDonald’s drive through. The family were physically assaulted and verbally harassed (racist insults and threats of violence). The family attempted to defend themselves from the attacker, who fractured Gabriel Roque’s rib. The other family members present walked away from this deeply traumatized and in need of counseling resources. Shortly after the attack, Nerissa Roque boldly stated that she never wants this to happen to another person again.”

NSC supports this litmus-test campaign to assist in building public pressure on the legal system to win justice for not only the Roque family, but Asian Americans who have been suffering from racist violences and hate crimes assaults.

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