Asian American History, Easy Study Guide

This is part of the Ethnic Studies History section.

This is the study guide for an easy quiz about Asian American history.

1865 was the end of the Civil War.

1882 was the year the Chinese Exclusion Act passed. This was after a couple decades of speeches and organizing an anti-Chinese Movement (that’s what they called it) to kick out Chinese people.

1907 Gentleman’s Agreement curtailed migration from Japan.

1942 the US government put Japanese Americans living on the West Coast into concentration camps.

1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act increased quotas from Asia to match the rest of the world.

1924 immigration law basically stopped immigration.

1952 McCarran Walter allowed Asian people to become citizens.

1964 Civil Rights Act passed, making racism illegal.

US vs. Wong Kim Ark secured birthright citizenship in the USA.

The Thind Case determined that South Asians were not white

Mitsuye Endo made sure the government wouldn’t keep JAs locked up long term after the war.