“Who Killed Vincent Chin?” Screening and Panel Discussion

July 14, 6:30-8:30PM: Join us at the Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo, LA, to commemorate 40 years since the murder of Vincent Chin.

Who Killed Vincent Chin Screening and Panel
Join us for a special anniversary screening of the groundbreaking 1988 Academy Award®-nominated documentary and POV legacy title, Who Killed Vincent Chin? The film relentlessly probes the 1982 murder of Chinese American Vincent Chin while chronicling Helen Zia and a generation of Asian American activists who came together to demand justice.

A panel discussion about the implications of Chin’s murder on current Asian American issues will follow, featuring a special appearance by filmmaker Renee Tajima-Peña along with Karen L. Ishizuka (Chief Curator, JANM) and Paula Williams Madison (CEO, Madison Media Management LLC).

This event is a collaboration with the award-winning documentary series POV (www.pbs.org/pov).

Panel themes to highlight:
Community Organizing against hate crimes
Using the documentary & case as lens to view contemporary issues of justice
Intersections of AAPI & Black communities

6:00 pm| Doors Open
6:30 pm | Program Begins – Screener (90 mins) and Discussion Panel (30 mins)
8:30 pm | Event Ends
Dress code: LA casual attire suggested.

Parking: Paid parking is available nearby at the Aiso Parking Garage and/or Japanese Village Plaza Parking

Accessibility: Seating in the venue is stadium style. Seats are fixed width with arm rests. Seating on the topmost level (accessible by elevator) and ground level are accessible and can be reserved for those with mobility access needs (ground level row includes removable seats and (2) seats without arms).
For accessible seating accommodations please reach out to tristan@hateisavirus.world.

Is this event open to the public? – Yes, please forward this invite.
Donations: Hate Is A Virus relies on the generosity of our community to fund our programs. To help us provide events and program like this open to the public and free to attend, please consider donating. If you are interested in sponsoring this or future programs, please contact tristan@hateisavirus.world.
COVID Protocols: Keeping our community safe as we celebrate is our priority during this special evening. We will now be requiring (1) an Eventbrite ticket, (2) proof of vaccination for all attendees, (3) a matching ID card (drivers license or passport), and we will be checking temperatures at check-in. For the safety of our community, please stay home if you are experiencing any symptoms!

*It is important to acknowledge that both the neighborhood we refer to as Little Tokyo as well as the broader city of Los Angeles sits on land that has historically belonged to the indigenous Gabrielino/Tongva people, whose community continues to live on and steward these lands today.

Tateuchi Democracy Forum
111 North Central Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(Little Tokyo)

FREE RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/who-killed-vincent-chin-screening-and-panel-discussion-tickets-367232210427